Data for all SAMI galaxies now publicly available...

The velocity fields of SAMI galaxies in the fifth-nearest neighbour density vs. stellar mass plane. Stellar velocities (blue to red) are shown for early-type galaxies, gas velocities (green to purple) are shown for late type galaxies. Taken from Croom et al (2021)
The SAMI Galaxy Survey Data Release 3 (DR3) includes reduced observations, stellar population, stellar kinematic and ionised gas property measurements for the full sample of 3068 galaxies. This constitutes all galaxies observed in the GAMA regions and Cluster regions during the survey that was completed in May 2018. DR3 is fully described in Croom et al. (2021). The data are provided online through Australian Astronomical Optics' Data Central.
Quick and Easy Data Access
Documentation of the release is available here.
IFS data cubes and all 2D data products can be accessed through the Downloads page. Please see the "How do I" instructions on the right-hand side of the page for an easy guide on how to download the data, as well as SAMI specific examples.
Catalogue data can be obtained through the DataCentral's Query Service. We provide examples for simple SQL or ADQL queries, and explanations of how to download data for selected galaxies.
With the Single-Object-Viewer (SOV), you can inspect all SAMI DR3 products for each individual source in DR3.
The Schema Browser is there to help you find specific data products.